Football Club Quiz night raises a massive £3,151!

So grateful for all the support from Matthew Davies, Joe Lowry and the whole of the Istead United Colts community for their efforts and support. The quiz night on Saturday 12th October was such a successful event and well supported. Well done to everyone involved. 20 teams consisting of 120 players participate in the evening and the whole night was a huge success!

A massive £3151.00 was raised, including donations from those who could not make it on the night.
As a result of the event, Istead Colts have financed 63 counselling sessions and given at least 7 young people, fast, direct access to mental heatlh counselling in the Gravesham area. Again, a huge thank you to everyone involved. The community came together!
More fun events to come from Istead Colts over the coming months. Watch this space.