Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund CIC
A Community Interest Company (CIC)
Company No: 14361787
Company No: 14361787
Email: support@ehmf.org.uk
Direct access to Mental Health Counselling for Young People in Gravesham – A Community Interest Company
We exclusively accept self-referrals from young individuals aged 13-18 residing in or attending school in Gravesham. If you’re grappling with your emotions, please know that you’re not alone, and our aim is to provide you with support.
Before proceeding with an online application for counselling, please complete the following steps:
We take each application seriously and expect the same level of commitment from you. Kindly refrain from cancelling your counselling appointment without providing at least 24 hours’ notice, as this would deprive someone else who may be in greater need of a valuable session and any future sessions may be revoked.
Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund is a counselling funding service, NOT an emergency support service.
If you are feeling suicidal contact
Samaritans 24/7 on 116 123,
or visit your nearest A&E.
Alternatively, you can:
Text SHOUT on 85258, or call
PAPYRUS on 0800 068 4141
9am-12 midnight every day of the year.
Young people up to the age of 18 can call
Childline on 0800 1111